Eating Disorder is a serious mental illness caused by over or less eating , exercise or body weight becoming unhealthy preoccupation of of someone's life . Eating disorder occurs cannot be said it is only due to the irregular eating habits or due to lifestyle choices .
It can occur due to different reasons like negative feeling of thoughts , guilt , shame , feeling of disgusted.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) recognises four eating disorders:
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Bulimia Nervosa
- Binge Eating Disorder
- Other Eating Disorders
Signs and symptoms of eating disorder
If the eating disorder is sorted much before and assisted carefully can recover completely from the disorder. But the fact is many people do not recognize they are undergoing such type of disorder and probably hide the signs and symptoms. So their close acquaintance should support them and force them to take a medical advise from a psychiatrist.
Anorexia Nervosa :
Anorexia Nervosa is a psychological disorder that are preoccupied by a fear of weight gaining . Normally people with this disorder restrict to intaking of food . Low consumption of food is due to the fear of overweight in the body . Person with anorexia often circulated with low body weight and body image goes to distortion .
Two main subtypes of Anorexia Nervosa :
Restricting Type : This is the most common type of Anorexia Nervosa , which occurs when there is less intake of food.
Binge-eating or purging type : This happens when person do self restrictions like vomiting, over-exercise, misuse of laxatives, diuretics or enemas .
It occurs during the age of adolescence or early childhood . Like all disorder anorexia nervosa also occurs during all stages in both male and female. It is a myth that only adolescent girls will address this disorder.

Warning Signs of Anorexia Nervosa
- Intense fear of gaining weight
- Preoccupation with food or food related activities
- Negative or distorted body image; perceiving self to be fat when at a healthy weight/underweight
- Low self-esteem (guilt, self-criticism, worthlessness)
- Feeling out of control
- Mood swings
- Anxiety or depression
- Heightened anxiety around meal times
It is a severe psychiatric illness characterized by recurrent binge – eating episodes . The person experience sense of loss of control and followed by guilt and shame which pertains to self vomiting , do over exercise , diuretics and so on .
Warning signs of Bulimia Nervosa
- Loneliness due to self-imposed isolation and a reluctance to develop personal relationships
- Deceptive behaviours relating to food
- Fear of the disapproval of others if the illness becomes known
- Mood swings, changes in personality, emotional outbursts or depression.
- Self harm, substance abuse or suicide attempts
- Sensitivity to references about weight or appearance
- Guilt, self disgust, self loathing
- Anxiety
- Depression
Binge eating disorder should not be confused with the overeating . Binge eating disorder often people feels eating when they are not hungry . This is fully a psychiatric illness . Feeling of guilt , shame , disgusting often leads to binge episodes.
Binge eating disorder is different from the Anorexia Nervosa . In nervosa bingeing disorder people themself do certain activities like self vomiting , indulging in over workouts. Binge eating disorder involves the person to under take fasting continuously , diets due to the negative feeling they are facing .
Warning signs of Binge Eating Disorder :
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Self disgusted
- Self harm or attempting suicide
- Eating when not hungry
- Eating secretly
Other Eating Disorder :
Night Eating Syndrome : People often eat unwantedly during nights
Atypical Anorexia Nervosa : They intake less food due to obsessive feeling of overweight but their body shape is not distorted.
Binge Eating Disorder : When the level of BED is at low frequency or occurs only for three months.
Bulimia Nervosa : All of the criteria are met but exists in low frequency or occurs only for three months.
Unspecified Feeding or Eating Disorder :
This type of eating disorder is clinically significant but the above mentioned criteria are not met ( not met feeding / eating disorder ). This category may be used by clinicians choose not to specify why the criterias are not met .
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