Many of us will feel fatigue or sleepy all the time when we don't sleep well during the last night or loaded with any stressful task in the previous day , because of which we fall asleep in the next day . This is a normal thing that we all undergo at least once in our lifetime or occasionally .
But those who are facing the problem continuously more than a week or a month then the person is said to have sleeping disorder . The cause of daytime sleeping disorder is associated with physical and mental health problems like dietary deficiencies, depression, diabetes, anaemia, or thyroid problems , chronic daytime fatigue can very likely be caused by a sleep disorder.
Three Sleeping Disorder :
Restless Leg Syndrome
Excessive Daytime Sleep :
Excessive daytime sleep is defined as extreme chronic daytime fatigue. The person with EDS feels very tired during the daytime although they seemingly to get good sleep during the night .
Symptom of EDS :
Trouble Waking in the morning.
Lack of concentration.
Poor job performance.
Feeling sleepy throughout the day .
Loss of appetite.
Anxiety feeling
Dozing off during meals , in the middle of conversation or while driving.
There are Excessive sleeping disorder
Obstructive sleep apnea :
Obstructive sleep apnea is found in 20 million adults in U.S alone . Apnea means “cessation of breathing '' i.e. the person with apnea experience blocking of breathing periodically during the night sleep around 10 – 20 seconds a time and can continue for 100 times in a night .
Obstructive sleep apnea is caused by blockage of the upper respiratory airways in which the throat muscles collapse, the tongue falls back into the airways, or enlarged tonsils and/or adenoids impede airflow. During an apnea event the brain has to wake itself up to signal the respiratory system to continue functioning properly. Oftentimes people may not even realize they have OSA unless a concerned bed partner informs them of their nightly breathing interruptions.
Narcolepsy :
Narcolepsy is found 1 in 2,000 people . People with narcolepsy falls asleep during the daytime for several seconds to several minutes. It is an autoimmune neurological disorder often people struggles from maintaining the sleep or wakefulness cycle .The sleeps comes in people at two various stages NREM (Non rapid Eye Movement sleep ) and REM (Rapid Eye Movement Sleep )
The exact cause of narcolepsy could not be figured out . But it occurs due to reduced level of the neurotransmitter hypocretin , which promotes wakefulness . Around 90-95% of less hypocretin is found in a narcolepsy person than the person without the disorder .
They often sleep all the time during the day and bounded by sleep attack . They will get frequent sleep that lasts for several minutes a day .
Restless Leg Syndrome :
Restless Leg syndrome is a neurological disorder that causes that often urges to move leg continuously . Some of them experience crawling of the leg , unexplained pain in the body . To overcome this pain they shake their legs continuously . This will impact negatively on getting good and peaceful sleep . Most people with RLS report difficulty in to initiate sleep and maintain sleep .
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