Sunday, May 7, 2017

Is treatment necessary for thinking or thought disorder?

Thinking Disorder is a type of Disorder that exists in a person when struggling from flow of thoughts . What they think and talk will not correlate . They will be finding words to speak out .
They include of two primary components :

  • People with disordered thinking
  • People with delusional thinking
Disorder thinking occurs in a people due to flow of thoughts. Often people possess a disordered thinking .

Delusion is like whatever they think about surrounding seems to be real to them but actually it is not . They hear something or think something that is not admitting to the real world . They are a kind of illusionist . Their thought and imagination are always virtual and feels those thoughts are 100% true to their best of Knowledge .

Person with this type of disorder struggles from other mental illness like depression, schizophrenia, delirium, psychosis, manic depressive, etc.

thinking disorder

Symptoms of Thinking Disorder :

People with these Disorder are often ;

  •     Confused    
  •     Disoriented
  •     Idea and communication often mismatching
  •     Difficulty in speaking    
  •     Blocking common in both type of thinking disorder.
  •     Not want to address the conflicts that arise.

Common four symptoms of Thinking Disorder :


Hallucination occurs when people hear and see things that aren't real .

Individuals with hallucinations do not have accurate perceptions of their environments.

Visual hallucinations involve seeing things, such as imaginary friends or enemies.

Auditory hallucinations commonly involve hearing negative messages that may not match with the old behaviour .

People who experience hallucinations may talk to themselves – but they believe they are talking to another person. Sometimes they often get hearing voices that are instructing them to harm themselves or others.

Delusions :

  • Delusion is loaded with fixed false belief .

  • Believing one is being followed or one is being poisoned but not complying with the reality .

  • People with delusion also experience hallucination

  • Delusions combined with paranoia cause additional anxiety.

Paranoid :
Paranoid thought is fearful and suspicious thought.

Fearful thought make the people less interactive to the society
Suspicious thought leads to intense anger and hostile behaviours .

They often fear or suspect that anyone or everyone is going to get something before them.

Derailment :

“Derailment” is also a thought disorder characterized by slippage of ideas further and further from the point of a discussion.

Their focus of thought often seems to be diverting from the source point. Ideas do have phrases or words with loose association to the reality.

Many people with thought disorder often disregards that their thoughts are virtual and avoid to go for the medication or treatment .

But treatment and talk therapy really helps to overcome the thought disorder.

Reasons for Hiring a Therapist

An inability to think of properly is categorized as thought disorder . They almost lose complete from the social . In some cases they are often to accumulated with other disorder such as depression , manic , schizophrenia .

The person who address this type of disorder would never know they are facing such problem . Family , colleagues , closed one should notice and support to hire a therapist to sort out the issue in a hierarchical way.

Following a proper Medications , treatment and going for talk therapy helps the person to recover to the fullest.

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