Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Home Tips to reduce or Ease Sleep Apnea

Some home tips to recover from Sleep Apnea . You could follow these ease sleep apnea tips to get soon relieve from it . This can help you to get completely well from the sleeping disorder. But even if it persists you can just consult a psychiatrist specialist .

Sleep Apnea is a critical sleeping disorder when affected to person , he/she experience temporary block of breathing in a periodical manner . For 10-15 seconds temporarily breathe stops and goes back to normal . This will occur for at least 100 times periodically during the night sleep.

Sleep Apnea

Lose Weight

Excessive body weight can cause snoring . But even thin people can also snore . The additional tissue in the throat can cause snoring problem . So , this is the main reason you need to lose weight . Due to your weight gain , if you suffer from constant blocking in the breathe that collapse all your good night sleep .

So , follow some weight lose tips and unanimously motivate yourself to reduce the weight as early as possible to get rid of sleep apnea as well as from other disease such as diabetes , cholesterol etc....

Change the Sleeping Position :

Changing the sleeping position will help to recover from the sleep Apnea . When you are lying on your back , the probability of snoring will be high . This is because this position makes the base of the tongue and the soft palate to collapse to the back of the throat. You can use a full length pillow to maintain a sleep position on your side.

Elevating the head while Sleeping :

While sleeping keep your head position elevated . You can add extra pillows to your head position in such a way that it lifts up . Now , your head position in the top which helps open up nasal airway passages and prevent snoring. Sometimes sleeping in this position can cause neck pain.

Avoid Alcohol

There are so many health problems is associated with the consumption of alcohol . If you have sleep apnea , definitely you must avoid alcohol. Alcohol is sedative and reduces the tone of muscle at the back of the neck and thus snoring occurs. If the people does not have snore also have chances of getting snore after the consumption of alcohol.

Quit Smoking

We all are aware of the fact that quitting smoking make our life easier and smoother. Tobacco smoke irritates the mucous membranes which cause the throat to swell up, thereby narrowing the airway. Smokers also develop problems of nasal congestion. It can act as a relaxant and allowing your throat to relax , thus making it to expand and blocking off the airways.

Practice good sleep hygiene

A good sleep can stabilize our metabolism in our health . Sleeping and waking up daily at a routine time makes our body health and fit . An irregular sleep can make your body fatigue , and when you fall asleep or go to deep sleep you may get snoring .

Practice Pranayama

Pranayama is one type of yoga practice . This will promote blood flow to the brain and increases blood circulation in the body . It helps to relieve sleeping disorder , sleep apnea as it circulates more oxygen in the body making ease of sleep , feel energised and rejuvenated.

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