Thursday, May 18, 2017

Myths and Reality on Eating Disorder

Myths and Facts About Eating Disorder :
Often people think eating disorder is virtual . Most of the time people getting this disorder states out some other reason for it . They might feel guilt to consult a doctor .

Below are some of the myth and real fact about Eating disorder.

Myths and reality about eating disorder

Myth : By seeing the person you must not judge that he/she has eating disorder

Facts : You must not determine the person by looking his outer appearance . Often media and people does not recognize the eating disorder affected person correctly . Individuals with eating disorder often comes in different shapes and size. It is a false perspective that anorexia is only the major symptom of eating disorder and people with that symptom is always underweight . But person other symptoms like bulimia , binge eating and OSFED can be underweight , normal weight , overweight or obese and often fluctuate in weight . Even athletes who appear to be normal and fit may also undergo a eating disorder . So , eating disorder should not be misjudged by the people shape and size .

Myth : Anorexia is the only threatening eating disorder

Facts : Eating disorder is the only cause of the anorexia. Anorexia is an internal fear of the people that they may put overweight so they have obsessive desire for reducing weight and in turn they reduce in taking of food . There are other threatening disorder that increase the mortality rate . It is a fact that eating disorder is the severe mental illness that involves more mortality rates .

While anorexia has 4% of the mortality rate , the other symptoms like bulimia and EDNOS that were similar to and higher than anorexia. EDNOS with 5.2 % and bulimia with 3.9% mortality rate .

Myth : Recovery is not possible in eating disorder

Facts : As we say nothing is impossible when we try with full-fledged effort. Recovery with the best possible treatment and remedial measure , the eating disorder can be completely curable. The recovery could take months or even years to eventually cure from the eating disorder . But should not be left untreated otherwise your may have adverse effect even person face death when symptoms are severe.

Myth : Eating disorder is due to controlling parents and dysfunctional families .

Facts : It is often that parents blame individual for the eating disorder . But the real fact is that 80% of eating disorder is due to genetic factors . If a parent is affected with eating disorder there is chance that child may also affected with eating syndrome.

Myth : Purging is the effective way to lose weight

Facts: Purging does not cause weight loss or prevent weight gain . Even after vomiting the food some parts of the ingested food stays in the body . Laxatives actually not help for the weight loss , but stimulated fluid loss in the body resulting in dehydration problem . Purging can affect the metabolism as a result it accelerates the weight gain so it is a false viewpoint that it is the effective way to lose weight.

Myth : Men don't get Eating disorder

Facts : Men don't get eating disorder is a false perspective . Out of 10 at least 1 men are affected by eating disorder. They are often diagnosed with binge eating syndrome .In the past 10 years , the rate of people affected with eating disorder is increasing .

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